Towne’s Two Cents

December, 2023 Edition

A few years ago, I met Beth Knaus of That’s a Spade Copywriting Services at an email marketing Seminar where I learned so much about that topic, which is how I am writing in here today.  I remembered she was super nice and was willing to help how every she could.  About a year ago, I reached out to her because I was thinking about writing a book where she gave me a few pointers and more people to connect since it was a children’s book.  Well, in 2023, I found out that she has joined Amp Allies Networking that I was a part of and I was super ecstatic!  She brings so much value to the group!

So, a little bit about Beth…….she’s a copywriter, brand messaging consultant, author, and the owner of That’s A Spade Copywriting Services. She works closely with female entrepreneurs to write content that they’re ready to use for their unique experience and bold voice in their content. They know they have to separate themselves from their competitors in order to connect with their ideal audience.

In addition, she writes website copy, blogs, emails, and more. I also offer 1:1 content development sessions, website content audits, and a foundational messaging package.

To learn more about Beth, I asked her if she would like to be my guest this month to interview and she ACCEPTED!!! 

Let’s get started with the interview:

Why did you pick this trade, in particular?

I think using clear communication is the best way to attract the right clients, do your best work, and get amazing referrals for more work with the type of client you love. Words matter, and writing is powerful. Think of how people react to effective commercials, sales pages, or hand written notes. Humans respond emotionally so when a company uses honest, persuasive language, it’s easier for them to get clients to convert.

What are the top three reasons why a business owner should invest in your service/product?

Time. Business owners can waste so much time trying to come with ideas, writing content, editing content, then procrastinating because they are uncomfortable sharing what they wrote.

Money. Hiring a copywriter means you’re hiring someone who knows how to write engaging sales copy. You may be a good writer, but not a sales copy writer. The average ROI for copywriting is 5:1. You make back an average of five dollars for every dollar you invest.

Expertise. Yes, the writer is an expert, but so are you. You should be spending your time doing the work you love the most and delegating the other stuff to experts.

What is your favorite dessert?

I love lemon cake with raspberry filling and white buttercream frosting.

What do you love to do in your spare time?

I love to read and to focus on my personal writing. I enjoy cooking and eating great food. I love to hang out in the city. The energy and diversity inspire me.

What is your ideal customer?

My ideal customer is a woman who has been in business a year or so, and has a feel for who her ideal client is, but isn’t attracting enough of them. Maybe they stumble over their elevator pitch, they are chronic re-branders, or they hesitate to put their content out their because they aren’t sure how to engage with their ideal client in a relatable way.

I hope you all had a wonderful time reading all about Beth and her business!  Are you interested in learning more about That’s a Spade Copy writing Services?  You’re in luck………’s Beth’s contact information:

Beth Knaus, Copy Writer, Brand Messaging Consultant,

Author & Owner of That’s a Spade Copy Writing Services

That’s a Spade Copy Writing Services


FB: @thatsaspade

Insta: @thats_a_spade

Linkedin: @bethknaus

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Entrepreneur’s Writing Checklist! Get yours here:

Thank you all for reading!

Dolly Towne, CEO & Chief Foodie Bookkeeper

Bookkeeping Towne, LLC


Phone: (401) 378-3039

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